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Book description

I didnt actually read this one cover to cover. I read Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton (which is not just for leaders) and I thought the poems she included from Ted Loder were one of the best parts. So good that I bought this book. I only deduct a star because there was an intangible it didnt have, and I think it was from my own difficulty to connect with a compilation of poems. Also, sorry, but the shape/size of this book is really bad. Its sort of 3/4 coffee table style.These poems are prayers which express what I was really feeling inside my being as I was going through a disappointing 2nd year of working at a church. They gave me so much life. They are restful. The kinds of things you read and you say, that is it. That is what I want to express towards God, towards myself. Especially when you are exhausted. Exhausted from church, but also from the american/western experience. These poems will be so hard to read completely because once you have read one you will stop and want to rest in what is in you and around you. That moment becomes holy. Its really good.

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